Kids' Haven Lynchburg

A Center for Grieving Children


July 22-24

A cost free, safe space for youth to express grief in healthy ways, build self-esteem, and find hope alongside peers who can relate to their story.


Dear Kids’ Haven Community,

Kids’ Haven continues to see a growing need in our community to support children and their families in their grief journeys. Peer-to-peer support is critical to the mental health of our Kids’ Haven families. 

Our Family Group Nights are held on the 1st and 3rd Monday evenings, September through May, from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Families enjoy a meal provided by community volunteers before attending age-specific groups for grief support activities. Adults also have the opportunity to participate in a group while the children meet.

In 2021, we instituted the “WarmLine,” a non-crisis phone line, to support families, guidance counselors, teachers, and anyone seeking resources to support a grieving child. You may reach us at 434.845.4072. Our thanks to The Al Stroobants Foundation for their vital “WarmLine” support.

Our fifth annual three-day Grief Support Camp for children ages 5 to 15 will be held at Camp Kum-Ba-Yah from July 22 to July 24, 2025. Campers will have the opportunity to express their feelings and memories of loved ones through fun activities and crafts. Our thanks to the Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation which has underwritten our camp every year.

We offer grief support school groups in the local school districts which include Lynchburg City, Campbell, Amherst, and Bedford Counties. Our devoted and trained facilitators work alongside the schools’ guidance counselors. If your child’s school does not have a group, please contact your school’s guidance office and we will work with them to set up a group.

In 2024, Kids’ Haven received the Stuart J. Turille Youth Philanthropy grant through the Greater Lynchburg Community Foundation. We are using this grant to develop a new program: Tools for Schools. This program will provide resources for students, teachers, and staff on how best to support a grieving child.

Kids’ Haven services are offered free of charge. We rely on the generosity of our community –individuals, foundations, and companies. For stories, photos, and more information, please explore the Kids’ Haven website and contact us at:

Your donation directly assists children who experience the death of a loved one.

Thank you for your continued support!

Rod Meek
Board President

Diversity and Inclusion Statement:

Kids’ Haven: A Center for Grieving Children is committed to providing a welcoming space regardless of sex, gender, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, ancestry, age, marital status, genetic information or any other personal characteristic(s). Kids’ Haven staff, board and facilitators are dedicated to serve with integrity ensuring diversity and equity in our programming. The definition of haven is a refuge or safe place, and we strive to make Kids’ Haven an inclusive place where children are free to grieve. Grief is a journey and Kids’ Haven will consistently work for inclusivity and equity as we care for our community.   

We serve grieving children and their families through support and education.

The foundation of Kids' Haven's philosophy is built on the beliefs that grief is a natural reaction to the death of a loved one; within each person is the capacity to heal; caring and acceptance assist the healing process; each person grieves in his/her own way and in his/her own time; and sharing with others in a safe and supportive environment allows children to learn about grief and to participate fully in their own journey to recovery.

Grief is not a disorder, a disease or sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve.
— Earl Grollman

Ways we provide support

FAMILY Group Night

During group night, children participate in age-appropriate activities and conversations that engage them with their own grieving process. Adults meet separately with trained grief support facilitators.

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School Groups

School groups provide grief support for children during the school day. Groups are run by our trained facilitators under the supervision of the school counselor.

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Resource Packages

We have a range of resource materials we can provide to support a family’s journey including a comprehensive lending library.

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Summer Camp

A free, three-day grief support camp July 22 -24 for children ages 5 through 15. Camp runs from 5:30 to 8:00 pm at Camp Kum-Ba-Yah.

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A non-urgent phone line providing supportive listening and resources. Call 434.845.4072.

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1 in 12 children

across the United States will experience the loss of a parent or sibling by the age of 18.

14.7 million youth

in the U. S. will be bereaved by age 25.
